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A3137 U.S.S. Enterprise

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U.S.S. Enterprise
File:Kre-O A3137 USS Enterprise.jpg
Item №:





Captain Kirk
Dr McCoy
2 x Specialist






Star Trek


The A3137 U.S.S. Enterprise set is a Kre-O Star Trek set released in 2013. The set consists of a buildable U.S.S. Enterprise ship along with 5 Kreon figures. This set contains 432 pieces.

Description[edit | edit source]

The USS Enterprise set contains a U.S.S. Enterprise ship along with 5 Kreon figures of Captain Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy plus 2 Specialists that can fly it. You can lift off the top saucer and put your Kreon figures on the bridge.

The set features Lighttech technology, so the deflector dish and engines glow. The engine cowlings open and fire the ship's missiles.

Hasbro Description[edit | edit source]

This is a description taken from Hasbro.com. (visit this item's product page)

Create it with Kre-O building sets! Build and play with the U.S.S. Enterprise ship from the world of Star Trek! Kre-O building sets open up exciting building play with colorful bricks, cool Kreon figures and accessory pieces to build the way you play. The Kre-O Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise has light-up features, a firing missile and cool Kreon figures to inspire your imagination to boldly go on exciting building adventures.

Build and play with the U.S.S. Enterprise, the classic ship from Star Trek. The ship has an opening lid to reveal the command bridge illuminated by light-up LightTech technology. The LightTech feature also lights up the deflector dish and the engines. A spaceship needs a crew, so there are 5 Kreons included with the set including Captain Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy and two additional Kreon figures. The ship has a missile that you can fire when the ship is attacked by enemies during its voyage through space.

Includes 430-piece building kit to create the U.S.S. Enterprise, 5 Kreon figures and an instructional guide.

Build the U.S.S. Enterprise, the iconic ship from Star Trek Light-up bridge, engines and deflector dish Fire the missile in battles Includes 5 Kreon figures Carry and store the pieces in the reusable package

Ages 8 - 14

Ebay[edit | edit source]


Gallery[edit | edit source]

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