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A2354 Serpent Armor Strike

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KRE-O > GI Joe
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Serpent Armor Strike
File:Kre-O A2354 Serpent Armor Strike.jpg
Item №:





Double Clutch
Cobra Mech Suit Pilot






GI Joe


The A2354 Serpent Armor Strike set is a Kre-O GI Joe set released exclusively for Toys R Us in 2013. The set consists of a VAMP Jeep and a Serpent Armor Mech Suit along with 2 Kreon figures. This set contains 177 pieces.

Description[edit | edit source]

The Serpent Armor Strike set contains a VAMP Jeep and the Serpent Armor Mech Suit along with 2 Kreon figures of Double Clutch and a Cobra Mech Suit Pilot both with weapons. You can build the Mech Suit for your Cobra Mech Suit Pilot Kreon figure and then he can grab at your Double Clutch Kreon figure with the capture claw on his Mech Suit or launch a missile at him. You can also build a 4x4 vehicle so the Double Clutch Kreon figure can escape, firing his weapon as he goes.

Hasbro Description[edit | edit source]

This is a description taken from Hasbro.com. (visit this item's product page)

Exclusive at Toys R' Us

Build the best G.I. Joe adventures with this awesome Serpent Armor Strike Construction Set! Use the 177 pieces in this set to build a Mech Suit for your Cobra Mech Suit Pilot Kreon figure. He can grab at your Double Clutch Kreon figure with the capture claw on his Mech Suit or launch a missile at him. Build a 4x4 vehicle so your Double Clutch Kreon figure can escape, firing his weapon as he goes! Who will win the battle between G.I. Joe’s warriors and the forces of Cobra? Get the battle going with this Serpent Armor Strike set!

Includes 177 pieces, 2 Kreon figures Double Clutch and Cobra Mech Suit Pilot Kreon figures come with weapons and instructions. Building set works with major brands.

Ages 7 to 14 years.

Kre-O, G.I. Joe, Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro.

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