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30667 Starscream

From Kreosite
KRE-O > Transformers
30662 << 30667 ) >> 30687 
File:Kre-O 30667 Starscream.jpg
Item №:













The 30667 Starscream set is a Kre-O Transformers set released in 2011. The set consists of the Transformers villain Starscream character which can be built in either robot or vehicle mode. Also included are 2 Kreon figures of Starscream and Pilot. This set contains 316 pieces.

Description[edit | edit source]

The Starscream set contains a Starscream character which can be built in either robot or vehicle mode. In vehicle mode you can open the jet canopy and put one of the Kreon figures inside, you can then blast removable rockets and turbo thrusters, or use the retractable wheels to take off or land the fighter jet. In robot mode, Starscream is an intimidating character with hand-held rockets to fire at the nearest unsuspecting Autobot.

Starscream is the baddest of the bad guys. He may not rule the Decepticon forces, yet, but he carries out every evil command he's given and aspires to one day overthrow his leader and rule in his place.

Ebay[edit | edit source]


Hasbro Description[edit | edit source]

This is a description taken from Hasbro.com. (visit this item's product page)

Build your favorite TRANSFORMERS villain, STARSCREAM, in vehicle or robot mode with this 2-in-1 set of 316 KRE-O construction pieces! Includes 2 KREON figures: STARSCREAM and Pilot! 2-in-1 KRE-O construction set lets you build STARSCREAM as a robot figure or as a fighter jet! In vehicle mode, open the "jet canopy" to fit a KREON figure inside, blast removable rockets and turbo thrusters, or use the retractable wheels to "take off" or "land" the fighter jet. Set includes 316 KRE-O pieces and 2 KREON figures. Product does not convert. Ages 8 to 14. Products and colors may vary. Subject to availability.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]