SOE Fan Faire 2022: Planetside Panel And Interview With Inventive Director Matt Higby

From Kreosite

Gamers are a part of an enormous military, carrying out individual objectives in the process of accomplishing crew targets. As part of the three year plan, they intend so as to add a larger variety of structures and services that give gamers more capability to build bases and defenses. Control of assets provides players a brand new motivation to fight. However they also needed to permit gamers to play actively. There can be more vertical gameplay, with the addition of issues like scaffolding alongside canyon partitions, and the battles will be extra intense. He said they plan to handle and balance issues very rigorously to cut back the probabilities of one thing like that. With a time-based unlock, you won't feel like you are losing time if you're not actively combating. They don't want to break up participant communities, especially the big teams which might be coming from Planetside.