38952 Ocean Attack
{{Set header
|after=38953 Land Defense Battle Pack
|Title = Ocean Attack
|Image = Kre-O_38952_Ocean_Attack.jpg
|Item № = 38952
|Pieces = 66
|Kreons = [[Combat Diver]]<br>[[Alien Warrior]]
|Price =
|Ages = 6+
|Released = [[2012]]
|Theme = [[Battleship]]
|Amazon =<amazon>B007USYHMW</amazon>
The '''38952 Ocean Attack''' set is a Kre-O [[Battleship]] set released in [[2012]]. The set consists of 2 Kreon figures and two sets of firing weapons. This set contains 66 pieces.
== Description ==
The Ocean Attack set contains firing weapons for the 2 Kreon figures of Combat Diver and Alien Warrior.
The Combat Diver needs to arm himself for undersea warfare, and Alien Warrior wants something just as destructive.
== Hasbro Description ==
|Product page URL=http://www.hasbro.com/kre-o/en_US/shop/details.cfm?R=2C4B222A-5056-900B-109A-B276402281D7:en_US
|Description from Hasbro.com=
With 66 bricks and other construction pieces, you can build your own firing weapons for 2 included KREON figures! Your Combat Diver needs to arm himself for undersea warfare, and Alien Warrior wants something just as destructive. Build and rebuild their weapons for exciting blasting action!
Build firing weapons for your KREON figures with this set of 66 KRE-O construction pieces! Includes 2 KREON figures: Combat Diver and Alien Warrior! Works with leading brands of construction bricks. Look inside for weapon-building ideas!
Set includes 66 KRE-O pieces and 2 KREON figures.
Ages 6 to 12 years.
== Ebay ==
== Gallery ==
== External Links ==
{{external info
|Instructions =http://www.blokcity.com/kreosite/pdfs/38952_Battleship_Ocean_Attack.pdf