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Although dog training may come to mind because you have a new puppy at home, dog obedience training is really for all dogs - not just the fancy breeds or show dogs. Training your dog is actually healthy for your pet and will keep its mind sharp. If you are a new dog owner, do not despair. Because Do It Yourself Dog training is much easier than you might imagine. Especially if you have the help of good dog obedience training solutions to give you something to model.

Dogs live very much in the 'now', they react to the 'now', yes, they carry past experiences and baggage similar to us, however, their REactions are in the 'now'. That's why does my dog bark at other dogs you can't expect them to know that, she's a really good pack leader sometimes but, has bad days and isn't so good on other days... they just don't understand this concept of inconsistency, they will simply give you the reaction you deserve or warrant in any given moment. Like us, they do carry triggers created in the past, but, and it's a big BUT, unlike us, their reactions can very much be controlled by the way their pack leader reacts in the 'now'.

Initially you may think that the method is not working at all. However, as is the case with so many things, just be persistent and keep at it until you begin to see the result that makes your efforts worthwhile. Keep each training session brief, and be prepared for it to take several weeks to reach your goal. You should find that it becomes easier as time passes and your dog grows used to his regular training.

By going to a class for dog obedience, you will not be without advantages. A few of the advantages include: - instant proximity to ask a trainer who is professional any questions. Any mistakes you make can be corrected by the trainer. You can view or hear how your instructor handles your canines.

You can also try a high jet of water from a high powered water gun or hose connection. Remember to always give the clear, loud verbal command as described above, then if they continue give them the last verbal command and wet them.

Dog obedience training isn't just for the canine. dog barking at other people (go directly to Web Fhnw) owners have to learn to anticipate a reactive dogs reaction to things, and by learning the basic thought process, you can ward off bad behaviour with a few modifications around your home. Prevention is often the key to your sanity. It may go without saying that you shouldn't leave your nice shoes sitting out, but what about your furniture?

Other opportunities available for going to a training class is that your instructor can correct problems that he can see you make. Without an instructor around, it will may take longer to realize you are even making a mistake.

For example, if you are changing puppy over from dry food to wet food, swap one spoonful on day one, two spoonfuls on day two and so on till they are completely swapped over to their new diet. I know it is a painfully slow process - but it's so much better for puppy. Besides, puppy diarrhoea is no fun at all - you really do not want to go down that road!

The subject of breed characteristics and instincts is for another article, suffice to say that; no trait is good or bad, it is more about what the human does with the trait that makes the difference between a reliable, well mannered dog and a so called 'bad' dog. Breed characteristics and instincts are a great tool and guide in selecting the right type of dog for you and your lifestyle because, they will form the foundation from which you can both grow together. If you choose the wrong breed for your lifestyle then, you will have problems. For example, if you live in an apartment and choose a working dog breed, what's going to happen? I don't need to answer that question for you, it's too obvious.

The warmer weather is here so it is time to enjoy it with your dog. It could be at a local park or the trails in your community. Dogs love the outdoors but they love it most when accompanied by their best friend!