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Welcome to Kreosite - your resource for all things Kre-O related. Here we have details of all the Kre-O sets that have been released by Hasbro, links to the instructions for the sets in case you have misplaced them and photos of what each set looks like.

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Kre-O sets

38952 Ocean Attack | 38953 Land Defense Battle Pack | 38954 Combat Chopper | 38955 Alien Strike | 38974 Battle Base | 38975 Air Assault | 38976 Mine Stryker | 38977 U.S.S. Missouri

Out Now A3244 Population 2-Pack | A3246 Service Station Scare | A3247 Haunted Hideaway | A3248 Fire Station Dragon Attack | A3249 Marina Madness | A3250 Police Station Zombie Defense | A3251 Skyscraper Mayhem | A3253 Bank Bandit Bust | A4909 Air Assault | A4910 Capture Cruiser | A4911 Monster Megawheel | A4912 Construction Site Smash | A4913 City Street Chase | A5839 Dr. Mayhem's Jewel Heist | A5857 Cemetery Heist Set | A5858 Carnival Cannon Launch | K0171 Population 2-Pack Case

A6735 Army Builder Pack | A6737 Lightning Cannon | A6739 Fortress Defense | A6740 Battle Outpost | A6742 Fortress Tower | A7705 Orc's Crossbow | A7706 Knight's Catapult | A7710 Drizzt | A7711 Wulfgar | A7712 Lord Neveremember | A7713 Vansi | A7714 Eye of Gruumsh

Out Now A313 Arashikage Dojo | A2354 Serpent Armor Strike | A2355 Thunderwave Jet Boat | A3361 Checkpoint Alpha | A3362 Ninja Temple Battle | A3363 Dragonfly XH-1 | A3364 Cobra Armored Assault | A3365 Battle Platform Attack | A4478 Ghoststriker X-16 | A4534 Series 1 Kreon Figure Pack | A4534 Series 2 Kreon Figure Pack

Out Now A3134 Series 1 Kreon Figure Pack | A3135 Micro Build Ships Wave 1 | A3136 Klingon Bird of Prey | A3137 U.S.S. Enterprise | A3138 Space Dive | A3139 Spock's Volcano Mission | A3140 Transporter Trouble | A3368 U.S.S. Enterprise | A3369 Klingon D7 Battle Cruiser | A3370 U.S.S. Kelvin | A3371 Jellyfish

30662 Autobot Ratchet | 30667 Starscream | 30687 Sentinel Prime | 30688 Megatron | 30689 Optimus Prime | 30690 Prowl | 31143 Optimus Prime | 31144 Bumblebee | 31145 Mirage | 31146 Autobot Jazz | 31771 Sideswipe | 36421 Bumblebee | 36951 Destruction Site Devastator | 36954 Cycle Chase | 36959 Rotor Rage | 38771 Street Showdown | 38781 Decepticon Ambush | 98812 Battle For Energon | 98814 Stealth Bumblebee | A1266 Autobot Assault Devastator | A2200 Mystery Pack | A2201 Ripclaw Strike | A2202 Battle Net Bumblebee | A2203 Beast Blade Optimus Prime | A2224 Constructicon Devastator | A2225 Decepticon Bruticus | A2226 Superion | A2227 Predaking | A2234 Dragon Assault | A2235 Mech Venom Strike | A4473 Abominus | A4474 Defensor | A4475 Decepticon Piranacon | A4583 Ultimate Vehicle Pack | A6949 Dinobot Charge | A6950 Scorn Street Chase | A6951 Cell Block Breakout | A6952 Galvatron Factory Battle | A6955 Grimlock Street Attack | A6956 Lockdown Air Raid | A7307 Computron | A7308 Menasor | A7314 Custom KREON Cliffjumper | A7315 Custom KREON Dreadwing | A7316 Custom KREON Galvatron | A7317 Custom KREON Autobot Hound | A7318 Custom KREON Autobot Jazz | A7317 Custom KREON Predaking | B0949 Bumblebee Disc Demolisher | B0950 Underbite Jetpack Takedown | B0951 Optimus Prime Beast Blaster | K0145 KREON MICRO-CHANGERS Figures Case | K0161 KREON MICRO-CHANGERS Mystery Case

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